
Create Better Content With Google Search

Find out how Google Search Results can help you create better content:

To get your page to the top of the search results, you’ll need to create better content that matches people’s search intent.

Keyword research helps, but in reality, you could be ranking for terms you don’t even know about! Fact is, Google wants to rank pages that best fit the search term someone is using.The best way to do that is by optimising for synonyms and related key-phrases. Keep in mind internal linking to build a solid site structure, and write more naturally with your reader in mind.

Optimise your texts with this in mind and soon the results will speak for itself!

What is search intent?

Search intent in SEO describes the purpose of the search a user or your audience makes. The search intent is the reason someone makes a specific search online. If you understand the search intent then this will impact your SEO and content strategy and will bring relevant user to your website.

There are four different types of search intent:

  • Commercial 
    These users are technically looking for more information, but their end goal is to  buy something.
  • Navigational
    Users with this intent want to visit a specific website.
  • Informational 
    The users want to find out further information about a product they bought.
  • Transactional
    The users want to buy something but are looking for different options.

This means that if you know what your visitors search intent is, then you will know what content to create. Only with the right content can you speak to your potential customers and help them find what they are looking for.

How can Google Search Results help you find out what the user’s search intent is?

This is very easy to answer: The search results give you different options for what the users are looking for when you start typing in your keyword. You will get the best results if you use a private browser for your query/keyword.

In a previous blog post, we wrote about keyword research and now is the time to choose one of those keywords in your Google search. Once you see the results, you will also find related searches and images or videos. All this will help you create better content for your website.

Those answers that you will find on the search results, show you who is ranking for the keywords, what content the competitor delivered and what intent the user had. They will also show you if the user’s search intent was aligned with the content you want to create for that keyword.

It could be that you want to sell something and decided to choose a certain keyword for your post, but the end user doesn’t use it to buy something, but to get further information. A solution could be to target a slightly different related keyword, with better matching user intent. 

Additional help to create better content:

In addition, to match your content with what people are searching for, it’s essential to also use keyword tools and social sites to learn more about your customers. All of the above should be paired with methods such as:

  1. Keyword research, using search engine tools like Google AdWords,, and Ubersuggest.
  2. Search of question-and-answer sites such as Quora to see what people are asking regarding your products or services.

One last tip:

Do you see a great amount of results with the same title or a very similar one? If there are, then you may want to change the title of your newly produced content until you feel confident that you created something better than your competitor. If you don’t see a lot of results for that title, you might have found a winner. Remember to always stay unique as this will help you stand out from the competition.

After you have created your new masterpiece or your other content has changed….

Check Search Console whenever you make important site changes to monitor your site’s behaviour in Google Search.

Adding new content to your site:

About the author: Michael Masa

Why should you listen to me? With a rich marketing background and a passion for sharing knowledge, I have dedicated the last 9 years of my life to the field. I have worked as Marketing Director and have been instrumental in shaping the marketing strategy of one of Europe’s leading insurers, BAVARIA AG.

Prior to my current role, I spent 12 years as Sales Director, managing a team of 12 dynamic people and applying the latest sales techniques to drive success. This experience allowed me to hone my leadership skills and gain a deep understanding of the sales industry.

I am now at the helm of Dealers League, a marketing agency that not only creates and manages websites for businesses, but also focuses on the importance of effective marketing strategies. Recognising the need for continuous learning in this fast-paced industry, we offer courses on the latest marketing techniques.

My varied experience in sales and marketing gives me a unique insight into how these two crucial areas intersect. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and insights with you through this blog.

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