Today we bring a case study. BAVARIA AG is one of the largest publicly traded insurance companies in Europe. They specialise in insurance for Yachts, Vintage Cars and Airplanes. Founded in 1973, they have been doing this for over 45 years and they really know their stuff.
Managing Director, Sandra Ahrabian, who is the daughter of the founder, Dieter Krautgartner, still runs the company by her father’s credo: “Skill and a readiness for action can withstand all turbulence”.
BAVARIA AG has a lot of history and they needed a website that portrayed their long-standing presence in the industry as well as positioning them as the industry leader they are. Be prepared for this interesting case study.

Obvious Issues
When we first started working with BAVARIA they had several major issues that needed our immediate attention. The first being the speed of their site was terrible. It was taking over 20 seconds to load every page. This resulted in a staggering bounce rate of over 80%.

To put that into perspective, of the 10,000+ visitors that were visiting their site every month, over 8,400 of them were leaving before the page even finished loading. This had obvious implications.
The second major problem they were having is the SEO company they had previously hired, had done nothing! There was no keywords, no meta tags, everything looked as if it hadn’t been touched. Whatever they had been paying them to do, they obviously hadn’t done it.
The Turn Around
The first thing we addressed was the huge SEO deficit. Our marketing team got to work optimising content, performing competitor analysis and doing keyword research. As all the content was going to be seamlessly transferred to their new site once built, we could safely make SEO improvements on their old site, knowing that all our efforts wouldn’t be lost and we wouldn’t have to redo any of this work.
As all the content was going to be seamlessly transferred to their new site … we could safely make SEO improvements on their old site, knowing … we wouldn’t have to redo any of this work.
While that was getting underway, our designers got busy working on some design ideas for Bavaria’s new website. Going over the brief with our design team, one of our co-founders, Michael, said, “Bavaria’s new website needs to be a marketing machine that generates sales like Aldi but looks like Prada”.
BAVARIA’s new website needs to be a marketing machine that generates sales like Aldi but looks like Prada – Michael Knysok, Dealers League Co-founder
When we start the design process for a new client, we keep a couple of things in mind; their target client, their industry and their existing branding and style guide. This results in a design that feels familiar to the company, but fresh, appealing and optimised to drive sales!

When we were done we had a fully mobile optimised website that loads as fast as 0.55s!

And on top of that, within the first month of their new website going live their bounce rate has gone down a huge 76%! Needless to say, BAVARIA is very happy with these results and they have become one of our best repeat customers. We continue to perform their SEO on a monthly basis and we will soon be doing their social media marketing and PPC campaigns, making us their sole provider of all their marketing efforts.

We hope you enjoyed this case study, to see more, go to our news section.
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