Just like pilots who go through rigorous checklists to ensure a successful flight, bloggers also need to follow a systematic approach to make sure their posts rank high on search engines. It’s not about just writing and hitting the publish button; it involves a series of steps that are integral to SEO-friendly blog posts. This blog post will walk you through a comprehensive SEO checklist to ensure your content takes off successfully.
- 1. Optimising Your Title
- 2. Incorporating Unique Header and Featured Images
- 3. Optimising H2s and H3s
- 4. Optimising Your URL Slug
- 5. Writing a Short Excerpt
- 6. Adding Internal Links
- 7. Ensuring External Links Open in a New Tab
- 8. Marking Affiliate Links as Sponsored
- 9. Highlighting Important Information
- 10. Writing an Engaging Meta Description
- 11. Assigning a Relevant Category
- 12. Checking for Grammar Mistakes
- 13. Proofreading Your Post
- 14. Adding Internal Links to Your New Post from Older Ones
1. Optimising Your Title
The title of your blog post is a crucial part of SEO. An engaging title that includes your primary keyword can significantly impact your post’s visibility. If you’re writing a blog post about ‘budget travel tips’, your title could be ‘Top 10 Budget Travel Tips for an Amazing Vacation without Breaking the Bank’. This title is engaging, contains the primary keyword ‘budget travel tips’, and also offers a unique value proposition to the reader – enjoying a fantastic vacation without spending a lot.
2. Incorporating Unique Header and Featured Images
Using unique images instead of stock images can make your blog post more attractive and personalised. Tools like Colorcinch can help you customise images, even if you’re not a professional graphic designer.
3. Optimising H2s and H3s
Your H2s and H3s, or subheadings, are not only crucial for readability but also for SEO. They can contain your main or additional keywords. Remember, keep your subheadings focused, under 15 words, and ensure they’re not placed back-to-back without relevant content in between.
4. Optimising Your URL Slug
Your URL slug should be short, precise, and should ideally contain your primary keyword. Avoid using dates or irrelevant characters in the URL slug.
5. Writing a Short Excerpt
A short, engaging excerpt can give your readers an idea of what your post is about. This short description appears on the homepage and in search engine results.
6. Adding Internal Links
Internal linking is an underrated SEO strategy. It helps in guiding your readers to more of your content, thereby increasing page views and improving your website’s SEO.
7. Ensuring External Links Open in a New Tab
When you link to external sites, it’s best to make sure these links open in a new tab. This way, your readers can easily return to your post.
8. Marking Affiliate Links as Sponsored
If you include affiliate links in your post, remember to mark them as sponsored. This informs search engines that you may receive compensation from these links.
9. Highlighting Important Information
Using bold text to highlight important facts or statements can make your post more readable and engaging. It allows readers to skim through and still understand the main points.
10. Writing an Engaging Meta Description
Meta descriptions are like short pitches for your content. An engaging meta description can draw readers in from the search engine results page.
11. Assigning a Relevant Category
Assigning a category to your blog post helps organise your content and makes it easier for readers to find related posts.
12. Checking for Grammar Mistakes
Tools like Grammarly can help you catch and correct grammar mistakes, ensuring your post reads professionally and clearly.
13. Proofreading Your Post
Thoroughly proofread your blog post at least twice before publishing. You’d be surprised how often significant errors can slip through the cracks. The more polished your content, the more professional it will seem to your readers and to search engines.
14. Adding Internal Links to Your New Post from Older Ones
Finally, don’t forget to add internal links from your older posts to the new one. This not only boosts SEO but also guides your readers to more of your content. You can find relevant posts by using the Google search operator ‘site:yourdomain.com “keyword”‘. Aim for at least 3-4 internal links, assuming you have enough content on the topic. If not, consider updating old posts with relevant additional content and links to your new post.
And there you have it – a comprehensive SEO checklist for your blog posts. Check out our article about structuring your blog post for readability. Remember, like flying a plane, blogging is a journey that requires preparation and checks to ensure a successful flight. So before you hit the ‘Publish’ button, run your post through this checklist and make sure you’re set for takeoff!
Just as pilots wouldn’t skip their pre-flight checklists, bloggers shouldn’t overlook these essential steps for SEO. With this checklist, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to create SEO-optimised blog posts that can perform well in search engine results and deliver value to your readers. So, fasten your seat belts, prepare for takeoff, and enjoy the journey of blogging!
Happy blogging and safe travels in the digital skies!
Sobre el autor: Michael Masa
¿Por qué debería escucharme? Con una rica formación en marketing y pasión por compartir conocimientos, he dedicado los últimos 9 años de mi vida a este campo. He trabajado como director de marketing y he contribuido decisivamente a dar forma a la estrategia de marketing de una de las principales aseguradoras europeas, BAVARIA AG.
Antes de mi puesto actual, pasé 12 años como Director de Ventas, gestionando un equipo de 12 personas dinámicas y aplicando las últimas técnicas de ventas para impulsar el éxito. Esta experiencia me permitió perfeccionar mis dotes de liderazgo y adquirir un profundo conocimiento del sector de las ventas.
Ahora estoy al frente de Dealers League, una agencia de marketing que no solo crea y gestiona sitios web para empresas, sino que también se centra en la importancia de las estrategias de marketing eficaces. Reconociendo la necesidad de un aprendizaje continuo en este sector tan acelerado, ofrecemos cursos sobre las últimas técnicas de marketing.
Mi variada experiencia en ventas y marketing me da una visión única de cómo se entrecruzan estas dos áreas cruciales. Espero poder compartir mis conocimientos y puntos de vista con usted a través de este blog.